Size: 80cm W x 40cm H
Inspired by my garden...and the many bonsai within.
Flowering trees are a vibrant example of the patterns replicated in nature within the chaotic-seeming branches.
The closer one looks, the more the patterns appear in every detail – the branches, the flowers, the bark.
The structural representation of my tree also embodies the principals of bonsai – an idealized recreation of nature.
It's a great feeling when someone who's already bought one painting contacts you and asks for another! The woman who bought 'Ocean Fields' saved up her money and asked me paint something with greens & pinks & golds and soft tones. I had ideas of doing of bonsai-type painting for a while & a paying customer was the perfect excuse to get my arse into gear. This was the first of the 'Tree Blossom' series and there are more to come!
This acrylic painting is constructed of coloured dots approximately 1mm in diameter.
Below is a close-up. Click on images for a larger view!

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