Wattyl & Eucalyptus (2005)
Tangerine Blossoms (2009) - Tree Blossom Series

Size: 60.5cm W x 30.5cm H x 3.5cm D
I just keep trying to perfect the branch structure & balance of flowers. I’m trying to achieve the right harmony that’s part of the bonsai philosophy. I love the soft colours of this painting & it’s so much fun to see finished painting emerge during the final stages.
This acrylic painting is constructed of coloured dots approximately 1mm in diameter. Included above the black line are some close-ups showing finer detail.
Included above the black line are some close-ups showing finer detail.
Below are some close-ups. Click on images for an even larger view!
Really happy with this painting..the branch structure and bark has become more refined...

Water Construction (2008)

Depicting in the form of dot-art the atomic & molecular structure of water. Each aspect of the painting represents the nuclear & electron configuration as well as the bonding type.
What is water? This painting shows the sub-atomic and molecular structure of water - not pure H2O, but a liquid containing dissolved ions essential to life. The composition of water tells the story of the journey of H2O from the atmosphere to earth to ocean. Each stage impacts both the composition of water and the environment.
• Ions represented are:
Chlorine: Cl- (orange)
Sulphur: S2- (yellow)
Magnesium: Mg2+ (pink)
Sodium: Na+ (red)
Calcium: Ca2+ (green)
Potassium: K+ (purple)
Carbonate: HCO3- (dissolved carbon dioxide)
• Each atom shows the protons and neutrons in the nucleus and the electrons are represented in their orbitals around the nucleus. The outer bonding orbital is represented as either white for a positive charge or black for a negative charge.• The water molecules show both the covalent bonding between the atoms of the molecule and the intermolecular hydrogen bonding.
This acrylic painting is constructed of coloured dots approximately 1mm in diameter.
Click on images for an even larger view!
Tidal Motion (2007)
This painting is very similar to a diptech that won me 1st place at the Gold Coast Art Show. But since I was still working on the painting late the night before I has to take the painting in..I very stupidly forgot to take photos....and the painting sold and was picked up before I could ever see it again....never again!

Tandem Motion (2008)
An underwater seascape in dot-art focusing on the water eddies formed around the corals.
This acrylic painting is constructed of coloured dots approximately 1mm in diameter.

Summer Blossoms (2008) - Tree Blossom Series

Spring Blossoms (2008) - Tree Blossom Series

This painting is everything I love about trees in spring. Flowering trees are a vibrant example of the patterns replicated in nature within the chaotic-seeming branches. The closer one looks, the more the patterns appear in every detail – the branches, the flowers, the bark.The structural representation of my tree also embodies the principals of bonsai – an idealized recreation of nature.
Click on images for an even larger view!
Snapper & Barramundi (2006)

This painting depicts two of the most sought after Australian salt-water fish – prized for their delicate flesh. The waves & currents of the sea are all that stands between the fisherman and prey.
The painting is constructed of coloured dots approximately 1mm in diameter.
I was desperate for a job once, so I took up an offer that had been made to me a year prior to work at a fish&chip shop. Anyway, the owner was a really great guy who treated me like a human being & friend...so this was for him.
Shallow Waters (2007)

A miniature sea scape in panorama...small but fraught with difficulties - the dots had to get smaller to retain the same 'resolution' as larger works.
My partner challenged me to paint something really small..so upon completion I forced him to make a frame for it!
Below are some close-ups. Click on images for an even larger view!

A Face to PEP005 (2007)

Dot-art depiction of the chemical structure of an anti-cancer API currently undergoing clinical trials.
This painting shows the sub-atomic and molecular structure of the molecule.
I did this for where I work..I actually manufacture the stuff...I wanted to put a face to our product - give it an identity so my co-workers & I would feel like we had a purpose..this is what we were making...not some invisible faceless fairy dust. Anyway, the head office like it so much they bought it and made copies for the other offices...a small victory!
The painting is constructed of coloured dots approximately 1mm in diameter
Paradise (2006)
The colours of the waters changing with depth, flower-like anemones & tropical fish - a feeling of paradise & inner contentment diving on a coral reef.
My partner kept bugging me that I only 'dotted' paintings and didn't actually 'paint'. So I did this one to shut him up. This is an early piece but a favorite of mine and is also my mother-in-laws favorite (so I'm not the only one who likes it!)
Below are some close-ups. Click on images for an even larger view!

Orange Blossoms (2008) - Tree Blossom Series

Size: 80cm W x 40cm H
Inspired by my garden...and the many bonsai within.
Flowering trees are a vibrant example of the patterns replicated in nature within the chaotic-seeming branches.
The closer one looks, the more the patterns appear in every detail – the branches, the flowers, the bark.
The structural representation of my tree also embodies the principals of bonsai – an idealized recreation of nature.

Ocean Fields (2007) - Coral Reef Series
Another 'experiment' in depicting both the coral reef & the water movement when looking up from the bottom....a myriad of patterns & dancing light I can barely begin to express...

Moonlight Sonata (2007)

The colours of the reef as the day is ending...everything is still & serene, but vibrant life still lurks! A changing of the guard for much of the life abounding – many corals truly spring to life under the influence of the moon which guides their rhythms.
This is also one of my fav's. I love the darkness of it and the way greens & pinks penetrate the blue majority providing an accent. I wish I had more photo's, but I sold it to one of the exhibition organisers who is now a bit of a fan...I guess I'll have to get around to painting another like it.
This acrylic painting is constructed of coloured dots approximately 1mm in diameter.
Micro-Corals No.2 - Coral Reef Series

Size: 30.5cm W x 30.5cm H x 3.5cm D
An underwater seascape in dot-art focusing on the myriad colours & shapes of corals from a ‘bird’s-eye view’. Experimenting with the interplay of different shapes & colours.
I was feeling a bit depressed that I didn't get many paintings done last year (only 8) so I thought I'd do some smaller ones as I get a real kick out of actually finishing a painting...and I ended up doing 5 this month!

Lily Pads No.2 (2009) - Lily Pads Series
Size: 40.5cm W x 30.5cm H x 3.5cm D
A calm yet rippling water surface of a pond has been created using concentric circles. The flowers & leaves are an example of geometric patterns found in nature which is emphasized with the colour shadings.
This acrylic painting is constructed of coloured dots approximately 1mm in diameter.
Lily Pads No.1 (2009) - Lily Pads Series

Low Tide (2007)

An underwater seascape from a 'bird's eye' view detailing a close-up of various hard & soft coral life.
The painting is constructed of coloured dots approximately 1mm in diameter.
This painting was part of a group of my paintings exhibited at Robina Rotary Art Show 2007 which received the 'Encouragement Award'. This painting sold at that show (2nd painting i ever sold and two people were fighting over it). There is nothing better than the feeling that someone likes your art enough to purchase it and hang it in their home...!
Dry Season (2006)

Size: 90cm W x 120cm H
Depiction of the dry Australian outback. Intense yellows & oranges of an arid landscape hiding a plethora of life in its own way.
This was a very early painting where some of my ideas were still developing - it is a mix of deconstruction, abstraction & impressionism. The painting holds true to my lasting impressions of the outback - the dry soil riddled with patterns and tiny flowers, almost dead-looking, hidden from all but the watchful eye...
The painting is constructed of coloured dots approximately 1mm in diameter.