The moment that I met a new friend, Zelda, on Facebook a year ago, she enthusiastically offered me an informal morning exhibition in Pretoria. To make things easy, I packed mostly smaller and unframed paintings. We could not wish for a lovelier Pretoria spring morning!.
1)The first photo shows the imposing gates of Zelda's home with a mass of sweetpeas in bloom.
2)Soon I had some flowers in my hand for a playful photo-session with my graceful hostess.
3)The paintings stood everywhere between roses, silver bowls and in the pretty garden.This painting of a lighthouse was the first to sell.
4) The cupcakes which the guests had with long girly-type drinks or champagne.
5) More artful cupcakes, as delicious as they look!
6) The antique roses that filled the house.
7) Gentle background music and french songs by Esperance.
8) A tearful meeting with Debbie whom I have met on blogging, Facebook and RedBubble! (The tears of emotion were mine!)
At the end of the day, I have sold 9 paintings and gave away two little ones as gifts. And of course, Zelda got the autumn doll painting that she loved.
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