"I've always enjoyed art from an early age. Like many others, I messed up at school academically and directed most of my energy into art. Around the age of 13, I had my first tag, not understanding the idea behind it, I tagged my initials…this didn’t last too long for obvious reasons!!"
Graffiti & Fine Art are two skills that this man has in abundance and UKAdapta predict a very bright future for Bill London.
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Highly acclaimed DJ, producer, club pioneer Erol Alkan set up his own label ‘Phantasy Sound’ in 2007, since then they have been releasing sought-after singles including Riton & Primary 1’s. As he is one of the most influential figures of the recent electro music scene, we might tend to imagine that it would focus on that side, and expect the music from his label to be dance orientated, club-friendly tunes…
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Gill Wing jewellery opened over 12 years ago in a small boutique on Upper Street. ?It was an opportunity to showcase the elite of contemporary jewellery design and run very much like a gallery space. It had a very cosy and intimate feel. After many successful years the opportunity arose to move to a larger venue at 182 Upper Street. The current shop has architect designed cabinets and features the most sought after designs in contemporary jewellery.
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