The third annual Greener Gadgets design competition was held in New York earlier this week.
First prize went to a gadget called Augmented Living Goods. It's a concept for a cellphone app to help people choose local and sustainably produced groceries.
A user would scan the barcode of an item in a shop, and their cellphone would then inform them where it came from and whether or not it is in season, and relate its price history and comments from others who have already bought it. It was designed by Shane Blomburg, John Healy, Seth Laupus and Andrew Reeves. The other entries can be seen here.
First prize went to a gadget called Augmented Living Goods. It's a concept for a cellphone app to help people choose local and sustainably produced groceries.
A user would scan the barcode of an item in a shop, and their cellphone would then inform them where it came from and whether or not it is in season, and relate its price history and comments from others who have already bought it. It was designed by Shane Blomburg, John Healy, Seth Laupus and Andrew Reeves. The other entries can be seen here.

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