Toby Smith is showing at the Printspace Gallery on Kingsland Rd, this month...

With its raging seas, wind-swept hills and high rainfall, Britain has more potential kinetic energy for capture than any other landscape in Europe. Nowhere is this concentration of energy more intense than the rich Scottish landscape where renewable energy has been providing power from the glens for over 60 years.

Following on from my seminal project, Light After Dark, I now turn to the dramatic Scottish landscape to document the sustainable ‘alternatives’ available. I will spend 2 months on-location to produce 12 incredible large-scale images.

Living out of my van throughout the months of February and March, I hope to capture the dynamic Scottish landscape and wealth of renewables it has to offer.

The project is supported by Scottish Southern Energy (SSE). We’ve worked closely together to choose appropriate sites for the project based aesthetic, cultural and historical significance.

The Renewables Project runs from 20 August to 1 September at theprintspace Gallery, 74 Kingsland Road, London, E2 8DL. Opening times: Monday - Friday, 9am - 7pm. Admission free.
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